  December 2007 ~~~~ Editor:  Cliff Hanger ~~~~
Well! I haven't gotten any reports as of yet. Haven't received any photos.  I did receive the scores which are posted.  "Thunder Valley" 2007 Scores

Here is a short recap. 
27 shooters showed up and shot in the 8 categories of the main match. It was decided that we would all be on one posse. We probably should have split in to two posses. Things were a little slow. The fastest stage shot of the day was 48+ seconds. The rest of us were a bit longer on the line. 

Prof Fuller Bullspit, who took on the position of Match Director, put on some very interesting stages. He also took the position of posse leader and lead by example and kept it moving very smoothly. Everyone took their turn working and shooting. No one had to be asked to take any position.

The rain two days before kept all the dust down but kept the air a bit nippy. There wind came and went. You could shoot with out your jacket but it was nice to have it there when you finished your turn on the firing line.

Double R Bar Regulators have a very nice town on the Lion's Club range. Both were thanks for their generosity for letting Brimstone Pistoleros put on "Thunder Valley" once again at their range.

At the awards it was said that with the entry fees and the Rowdy Yates Challenge takers, the match raised about $800.00 for Happy Trails Children's Foundation. Then from the crowd Hoss Hall stood up and said he'd add to the pot and make it an even $1000.00.  So a very BIG Thank You goes out to Hoss Hall.  "Thank You, Bob."

Plans are in the works for next year's "Thunder Valley". Stage 5 was not shot this year during the match. But there were 4 shooters who decided to take a crack at the end of the day. They said they want to see this stage in the match next time. DONE! We have a start on the stages.

While everyone was standing around waiting for scores which didn't take long to get out, I heard two complaints. 
1. Make two posses or more to make the match run a little faster. 
    Well that was decided during the match by Prof Bullspit and other Brimstone Pisotleros.
2. Twitchy Finger said he wanted the rifle targets for Monty Walsh and Plainsman farther out. (These are rifle caliber rifle classes) 
     Twitchy, you asked for it and I will tell you that you are not the only one that would like to see targets a little farther out. 

Now I would like to here from others who were at the match. Tell me your thoughts about this match.  Stages, categories, range what ever your want to say. I'll place them here for others to read.

Cliff Hanger

Thunder Valley Event Schedule

Sunday - Main Match
  Shooter's Meeting  9:00am
  Followed by 5 Stage Main Match then a side match that requires 4 pistols with a pocket pistol being allowed/encouraged as one of the 4.a one on one challenge.

Lunch  will be brown bag. 

Saturday Evening - Something for those who can't get enough BP shooting.  Starting about 3:00 PM
  For those shooting the Sunday Main Match  there will be 2 Stages in the Dark for those who want to play Saturday afternoon. Sounds like a pot luck & chili cook off too. This is just something extra like side match stuff for those.
Information that is not widely known.

The Brimstone Pistoleros have always donated the profits from "Thunder Valley" to Happy Trails Children's Foundation. And this year is unique.

First the Double R Bar Regulators where asked again if "Thunder Valley" could be held in their town. RRBar voted yes again this year.

Second when the Lion's Club of Lucerne was approached for a day to use their range and the plan was presented to them, they voted to provide the range with NO shooter fees.

Third Rowdy Yates, president of Brimstone Pistoleros said that he had plenty of trophies already in hand so there would be no cost associated with them.

Fourth the Dammit Gang has taken on putting on a pot luck dinner/chili cook off, a poker game and night shoot on Saturday, Dec 1st, included with your "Thunder Valley" Entry.

With all of this generosity the Brimstone Pistoleros has decided that 100% of the Entry Fees to this years "Thunder Valley" will be donated to Happy Trails Children's Foundation.

 A BIG "Thank You" goes out to the Double R Bar Regulators, the Lion's Club, Dammit Gang and all the shooters who attend. "THANK YOU".

All articles submitted to the "Brimstone Gazette" are the property of the author, used with their expressed permission. 
The Brimstone Pistoleros are not responsible for any accidents which may occur from use of  loading data, firearms information, or recommendations published on the Brimstone Pistoleros web site.